Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

St. Cornelius is invoked against Earaches, Fever, and Epilepsy

St. Cyprian is the Patron Saint of Algeria and North Africa

Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian were Bishops of Rome and Carthage during a period of schism in the 3rd century. The root cause of the schism was the question of re-admittance of apostatized Catholics throughout the Roman Empire. Cornelius and Cyprian believed that these individuals could return to communion with the Church after performing public penance. The opposite opinion was held by the anti-pope Novatian; he believed that the apostatized could not return to the Church. Cornelius and Cyprian believed that this topic was important to show the divine mercy of God. After holding their position against Novatian, Cornelius and Cyprian were martyred during persecutions order by the Roman emperor.


St. Hildegard of Bingen


Our Lady of Sorrows